Jul 31, 2004 17:38
Wenesday-* I felt like crap bcuz of Alivia's dogs so I stayed home and sleep. LoL.
Thursday-* I went with Joey to pick Devin up from Mocksville. We went and ate at Taco Bell & we were talkin about old stories and stuff. IT was fun! LoL =). I stayed up until like 3 on the internet lol.
Friday-* Alivia, her dad, her step mom, her 2 sisters, and me went to Subway to eat and see Brooke. Chad came to subway to pick us up. We went to cookout to see Travis. We went back to Alivia's and got ready & then Brooke came at like 10:30. We left and went to Cook out to see who all was there. Then we went to Mount Airy. There was a wreck in the middle of 601 so I think that made everyone leave. We met up with Brittany and Amanda and we all went to Jt's Bar/pool hall thing. Ew it was discusting. It was like smoky and it smelt bad. We only stayed there like 10 minutes. We went back to King and chilled @ O'reilys. Alivia went riding around with Joel and me and Brooke sat in her car and talked. When Alivia got back, they went to Cookout with Devin and Nathan. Me and Joey went riding around lol. We went to Central Park & I got the gum off his shoe. We left there and was going threw the middle of King and saw Nathan and Devin so we like coasted <-- (i think thats what its called when you put it in neutral and just roll) backwards until we met up with them. They wanted to go to the Luter's to get their beer. We went and they were like yaw cant have it. So me and Joey left to go to "WALMART TO GET TAMPONS" LOL. I "got hit on by 2 big black guys" LOL!!! Then we came back picked Devin up and they took me over to Brandon's and Drew's where Alivia and Brooke was. Me, Alivia, and Brooke left and went tot he Waffle House. After we got done there @ like 5 in the morning we went over to Chris B's house. We stayed there until 8:30 and then we got back to Brooke's and 9 and I sleep until 11.
Yeh but im not too sure what im going to do tonight. My mom is going out so I have the house to myself. She asked if I wanted to go somewhere but I told her I was just gunna chill. IDK? I might just invite some people over. Well I'm outtttz!