Dec 24, 2005 22:35
time of joy and happiness.
well today was ok i guess didnt do anything,
step grandparents came over and we exchanged gifts and we watched christmas movies all day.
i cannot wait for tomorrow morning for every one to open my presents i think everyone will like what i got them.
the only part i dont want to come is the visiting time.
why you ask?
well this is probably the reason why i even made this post just sitting here crying after i got off the phone with stan.
every year has been crappy, well maybe a bad choice of words but i hate the fact of me begging and dragging stan to my families houses. we to my step grandparents and my dads. he only goes to his grandparents at night.
i just hate the fact that he always complains why do we have to go there. WELL IT IS MY FUCKING FAMILY...
i am not asking to spend the whole day there just maybe an hour or two. i go to his family things as a matter of fact i like going. i love going i dont complain i love his grandparents there the best.
I hate it though because here i am wanting to see my family and i feel like this horrible person for making him come, i feel like a bad girlfriend or something.
i'm done with writing about this i am tired and i am thinking way to much.
i just want to be happy on christmas.
just wish me a merry christmas...