Feb 15, 2009 22:15
I hate Valentine's Day. So, so much. It is ridiculous. Valentine's day is quite possibly the worst holiday ever invented. Nay, ever conceived. I want to get in the Delorean and punch who ever came up with that holiday in the ear. Cause that would fucking hurt.
Why do I hate Valentine's day so much? Bitterness? Jealousy?
These would probably be valid reasons to hate Valentine's day, according to Hallmark because I am, single. So no roses/chocolates for me cause "I'm a sad, sad, little person who needs someone else to fill the gaping void in my meaningless life". And that void can only be filled by diamonds and cheesy cards.
But I don't hate Valentine's day for the reasons that the mainstream want you to believe. Nope.
I hate it because of the hypocrisy and commercialism.
If I was in a relationship I do not want to "celebrate" my love with cliche gifts that are supposed to mean something. Ya, I would totally want the sex, but that doesn't mean I want to do all that couples bullshit.
If I was in "love" with someone, I would want to celebrate everyday. I would want my lover to surprise me with romantic gestures, as I would do for them. I just think that valentine's day puts too much pressure on couples. It's just a random day in February, get over it. Love isn't about material things, finding your "soul mate" or being perfect. Love is human, and flawed, and random and should be about all of those things.
Plus, the media is so fucked up (I'm probably pulling an Orlando Bloom with this statement haha). All these stupid commericals are designed to get couples to buy their stupid shit (because if you don't get a diamond from Kay fucking Jewelers, you're relationship is doomed) and to make single people feel bad. What do I say to them?
Fuck em'.
That's right. Fuck em'.
I am fine on my own. I do not need someone to complete my existence. It's quality over quantity, and I would much much rather wait and take my time. Plus love isn't something that happens right away. There's attraction, infatuation and sexual tension but it's never love. Love is a journey and the Media needs to realize it. Being in a relationship would be nice, don't get me wrong, but I don't want to be in a relationship for the sake of being in a relationship. I want to be in a relationship because it feels right. And ya sex is fun, but it is meaningless if there is absolutely no connection. I would much rather take the time to find someone truly special, instead of rushing into things with random people I don't care about.
Also, I hate how Valentine's day makes women seem petty and materialistic. It's always the guy buying the girl flowers, it is never about the girl doing a romantic gesture for a guy, or a guy doing a romantic gesture for a guy or a girl doing a romantic gesture for a girl. It perpetuates the stereotype that the man is dominant and the woman is submissive (which is waaay to 1950s/stepford for my taste, plus it is not true at all) and it also subtly hints that heterosexual love is the only love deserving of celebration. Plus it insinuates that the key to a woman's heart is a materialistic item.
*sarcasm ahead*
Intelligence and Honesty? Naah. Give me some shiny shit and I'll go Cra-Zy. Hell you just gave me the syph because you slept with another girl behind my back? All forgiven because you got me some roses and a teddy bear, so now I will love you forever!! because you gave me a pair of earrings!
While I'm not totally belittling the awesomeness of gifts (hell I love em when they are sincere and random, and had tons of thought put into them), I just hate valentines day gifts because they are so contrived. Even if someone likes roses/jewelry, it just feels so fake to buy them on the 14th because a date on the calendar told you to.
This entry is extremely cynical (I know) but I am not hating on love. I am hating on corporations. I am hating on superficiality. I am hating on the cliche.
And if I have someone next year on the 14th?
My feelings will be the same. People say that the single are bitter/jealous because they don't have a "significant other". Well I say that couples who totally give into this bullshit are delusional/misguided.
Happy Valentines Day!
valentine's day