Well, let's think. After the whole thing happened with Ty, I spent the day crying, alone. Tiffany had plans with Julie. So I sat here && cried, && Mare && Core invited me to chill at Ryan's...I was gunna, but I was in too bad of shape. So, they call me @@ 5 && ask if they can come over, of course I said yes, but I needed to calm down && stop crying. Which didn't happen. So, I took a freezing cold shower && looked @@ some pics of Me, Niki, && Ty :o/...Three Musketeers...&& only one left standing. Then I called Mare && she said they were on their way. I was sitting in front of my computer in a deep depression && they knocked on the door. Corey bought me Potatoe skins. Seriously. Those two are truly my bestfriends, what I would do without them. I'm tellin ya, so the normal went on, Me && Mare ragged on Corey (( before they came over Corey got stabbed in the eye with a stick )) lmfao. Almost died with that one. Pigged out on my potatoe skins cuz I didn't eat anything all day. Chilled, cracked jokes, && the usual, I can never remember what we say that is so funny...but those two never cease to make me laugh. It was the happiest I had been in a while. So Corey goes upstairs && comes down with my fairy wings, (( post the pics later ))!! && "FUCK IT, I'M WRITING A POEM" lmfao. I got beat up by two 8th grade boys. But I was still talkin' shit. lol. Uhm, we left...walked to Tiff's. She didn't talk to me. :o/. So we just left, && walked to Mare's. Corey walked us halfway && then went back to Ryan's. We watched 'Auqa Teen Hunger Force' with Richie && Nicole "Everybody loves dancin'"...&& "Roll up to my hand && let me smack you". Lmfao. We died on that one. Aroun 11:30 they called us && we snuck into Ryan's house. Looked @@ pics && watched 'Goosebumps' lmfao. I almost died. It was too great. I fell asleep @@ like 12:30, they woke me up at 6 saying we needed to leave before Ryan's dad got up, but he was already up...so we hid in the laundry room, by the kitty litter. LMFAO! Sat there for a while...then around 7 made Corey get us some blankets && we slept on Ryan's laundry room FLOOR. His mom woke up, came in the laundry room...&& this was the convo
Mom lookin at us on the floor
"Katii get up"
Mom out at Ryan
"What the fuck are two girls doing sleeping in my laundry room?!"
"I'm scared"
Went back to Mary's, mom got home...we chilled in the room, Corey hit his head on the floor FUNNIEST THING EVER...now he has a bump && I feel bad now. Uhm, then ate some Pizza && the lovely Mallory took me home. Canada tonight, until tomorrow, we're flying. >:|
So, I'm sittin here crying && lookin' at pics of me && Ty, talkin to his mom on the tele.
Funworld: Population- 2 3
Katii + Corey + Mary = Bffe.<3333333
Seriously, I love you two so much, thank you for everything. You're the bestfriends I could ever ask for :o*
Seriously. Jamesy I love you so much, you're such a great friend. Thank you for everything you've ever done for me, && have a sweet 16@ :o* Bffe!