Nov 03, 2004 18:12
"go bush!!"
so many people are so ignorant. i have no problem with different opinions. what bothers me is that so many people wanted bush to win this election, and they don't know enough to justify WHY they would vote for him.
this entry is open for debate. go ahead, try me. make me understand why he's worthy of being president for another four
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How would you like it if someone walked into your room raychel and said "raychel you have to many toys and your neighbor down the street doesnt have any." so he takes away half of your toys and gives them to your neighbors down the street. he did this when you earned the toys and worked for them when your neighbors did nothing but already recieve free money for being on wellfare.
Kerry has no right what so ever to do that. hes all about sharing and having everyone middleclass and have the same amount. if they dont earn they dont deserve it.
He is taking money form the rich people for health services. yes health services is good. but the rich dont need to pay for poor peoples injurys. my mom paid 200,000 dollars in tax last year. can you imagine what she would have paid if Kerry was to win? too much way too much.
Kerry is also freeing prisoners because it cost to much to keep them locked up. He was alos siding with that million dollar man who wanted to get rid of the 3 strike law.
i knwo this wont change your opinion. i just thought i should state mine.
imagine that you're family isnt financially stable, and *god-forbid*, you get in a horrible accident that could be fatal. your family doesnt have the money to pay for all of the medical help you'd need. without a doubt, you wouldnt survive.
now let me ask you this: are you so heartless that you dont care about the people less fortunate than you are? i dont mean to be critical, but why do people have to be so selfish? life is precious. money is man made. which would you rather have.. money or health?
of course i care about the people less fortune than me but the rich people pay 54% of all the taxs. they should know when enough is enough out of one person.
i'd rather be healthy rather then
get off your ass and go work to get what you want.
you cant make that kind of assumption. its not fair.
he has a good point.
because with bush winning, that is exactly what is happening.
something is happening to raychel, to you.. and to all of us.
the future of america is suffering.
he is using money.. good money on a war that doesnt need to be had.
i dont know if you know what social security money is.. or what mental health benefits are.. but trust me.. you'll want them when you retire.. and you'll want them for your kids.. and you wont have them and neither will your kids.. because of all the money going to waste on this war that bush is putting on to cover up his boring life.
hmm.. im sure you have some friends of different ethnicities right.. so maybe i'll point something out to you..
did you know that bush bush bush and his family were big supporters of a man named Hitler?
if you dont know who he is.. go ask your history teacher..
anyway.. they gave him money.. banked for him.. and helped him and his nazi pals build auschwitz.. one of the largest concentration camps used during the holocaust to exterminate anyone who wasnt of the aryan race..
now.. if you want to talk about getting something taken away from you..
try your life..try your friends.. try your family..try your health and your future childrens safety..
because if what your really concerned about is money and toys..
and if you are really that spoiled.. that you cant give money to the poor.. or help those on welfare.. then you've got a lot to learn about life.
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