wen u find ur first love dont ever let it go <3

Feb 06, 2005 15:08

so its been like 2 months since i wrote in here so i thought that id write in here lol. well not really alot has been goin on here just work nd school. i didnt have to take any of my exams which is great so i ended up with all A's nd B's. so im not complaining. well our dealership got bought by another company cuz we were goina bankrupt. so in march we should have changed names nd everything else. im def not looking forward to that at all! i hope that im still going to have a job there, but if not im going to be so screwed. well i have 11 more days till i have surgery :( im so scared. im not looking forward to making up all my school work and not getting paid. i dont want to lay in bed nd do nothing. i have to do 3 reports wen im out nd i know that im not goin to feel like doing any of them. my grandparents nd aunt nd uncle are going to be coming down wen i have my surgery so they can watch me. my nympho said that he was going to make me a get well card <3. last weekend i stayed the night with heather nd we went nd got our nails done nd got in the hot tub. it was nice. i havent chilled with her forever. shes supposed to come see me wen i have my surgery done. last night me nd tara chilled. we went to eat at cuhjos. we went to best buy so i can get a new battery for my phone we went to target nd then we went to the movies to go nd see hide nd seek. it was weird but still good. me nd my nympho went to hooters nd walmart last monday it was fun. E* said that he may be coming back to work. he says he misses me but i think that its all bull. ive been talkin to sara alot on the phone before i have my surgery. hmm haha thats about all i need to go finish laundry nd vacumming nd then maybe ill go out. holla <3
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