Nov 21, 2005 21:42
la la la la
i'm still kinda on a high after such a low low low i had these past couple of days.
i made up 4 quizzes and i took a test, all between the hours of 7:25 this morning to 3 o'clock this afternoon.
it was insane.
and my brain was friiiiiiiiied.
i still have precalc. mehhhhhh. oh well.
and i have to find this english stuff.
i don't really care though. i'll get it done.
my mood can be summed up by this:
I am woman.
Hear my roar!!
i am perfectly fine. sure, i may wish now and then...but i am good. i am fine. i am dandy. and i am alone. and i am independent. and i am me. and i have an identity. and all is lovely.
i was singing so loud in my room, my throat now hurts.
this is gonna be a whole big post about absolutely nothing.
(ha, and then watch me being crushed on wednesday or something. it would happen to me. but right now...i am happy. and i am healthy. and I AM WOMAN!)
i need to go to a concert.
so, i guess part of the reason i'm so.......FDHATHATJKH!!! but in a happy way, is that i was reading another Chuck Palahniuk book, entitled Invisible Monsters, and this one line really stuck out at me:
When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?
and i'm sure it doesn't sound like much, but it affected me.
for the past weeeeeks, i have been doing nothing but dwelling on the past. i'm so....done with that. i can't change it. what's been done has been done. and why should i be scared of the future? as corny as it sounds, the future has so much potential to be such a great thing. why kill yourself over something that you can't change when what's ahead of you is whatever you want to make of it?
and so....i am ready to be happy about the future. i'm excited about the future. yes, i'm scared of SATs and college and work and career and all this stuff i haven't gotten sorted out yet, but when most things are scary, aren't they also the least bit...exciting?
like what the hell do i want to be when i grow up? i have no idea. i have some vague idea, but not enough to satiate the appetites of these school administrators. but all i have to do is ask myself: what do i want to do? who cares if it's a "dream job", what the hell would i love to do? i should just go after that. that's what i should do.
i should just go for know, that's been some of the best advice i've ever gotten. just do it, don't think about the consquences, or whatever could happen, just go for it. some of the best aspects of my life have come from doing that.
when it comes down to it, i get a lot of good, solid advice from abby. she's so good that way. one of the best people i have ever met. just goes to show how you can't judge people.
wow, it's almost 9. i should do homework.
anyhow, i hope that some of my happy rubbed off on some of you and you, too, are in a good mood.