why the hell not?

Jul 07, 2005 17:23

List ten fictional characters you would have sex with, and then tag five friends.
In no particular order:

1. GREGORY HOUSE (House). Awesome, awesome, awesome. Soooo bitterly sarcastic. And yet, you can still see him vulnerable. Awesome.

2. GREG FOCKER (Meet the Parents). Honestly. He's cute in his own little everything-messes-up sorta way.

3. CHRISTIAN (Moulin Rouge). So so so so cute. Just...innocent. And he loves so...completely. Just...adorable.

4. PHILIP J. FRY (Futurama). I love his stupidity because it's funny stupidity. And all those times that he went after Leela. He was so sweet and just wanted to be accepted for who he was. I dunno. He's cute, okay?

5. ANDREW LARGEMAN (Garden State). Egad, I'm starting to lose my ability to explain why I find these guys attractive. He's just sweet. And he's kinda fucked up and just...how cute he is to Sam.

6. ROB GORDON (High Fidelity). Welllllll, he made a Top 5 Things I Miss About Laura list, sooo...hahaha. (I hope most of you have seen the movie so you don't think me insane) I've noticed that most of these guys...well...i guess, some of these guys are trying to be tough on the outside, but are really really vulnerable on this inside. Hm. Guess I like that. But he's funny and.....yeah...see? no more eloquence.

7. WADSWORTH (Clue). He's hysterically funny and...just so funny. "Why is J. Edgar Hoover on your phone?" "I don't know. He's on everyone else's. Why shouldn't he be on mine?" Eeee. Makes me happy. And he's very very very clever.

8. WILLIAM MILLER (Almost Famous). Eeeeegaddd. He's soooo cute. Just quiet and shy. But really smart and he's amusing. And he's so much like me. Like when he flicked off the dude behind the door...oh man, i would totally do that.

9. PRINCE CHAR (Ella Enchanted). Noooo. Not the movie. The book, bitch. The book was so much better. I can't remember why I liked him, but he was like my first real...book crush.

10. PHANTOM (The Phantom of the Opera). The movie. He's just so sexy. Sooo sexy. And he's also vulnerable. He's sexy when he's singing. He's sexy when he cries. He's the reason why Laura pulled a muscle on my basement floor.

Honorable Mention: Max from A Goofy Movie, and even more so, An Extremely Goofy Movie. Anddd Patrick from Saved.

and, like mrudula, i tag all of you because...well...because i'm too lazy to pick 5 people. and i'm sure many people won't do it anyway. so...it works out to 5 people in the end.

and now....


1) First, what's your full name? El Kay Kimster

2) What are you wearing right now? shorts and a limited too shirt i haven't worn for a couple years.

3) What was the last thing you ate? chocolate. :-D jealous? you know you are.

4) What's your favorite type of music? there's only so much. rock, oldies, showtunes, and "punk rock cabaret" hahaha

5) If a piece of food fell on the floor, would you still eat it? depends what type of food, what type of floor, and how long it's been there.

6) What kind of toothpaste do you use? aquafresh!....what a weird word.

7) Do you keep up with current events? a good amount. i'm not a completely informed citizen, but i know about big issues.

8) Give your approval rating of President George W. Bush on a 1-100% scale. .....are you kidding me? i'm not even justifying that with a response. except for this one.

9) Do you floss? off and on

10) Do you use any hair products? nothing besides shampoo and conditioner.

11) What do you do over summer vacation? i listen to music, read, watch movies, eat...basically, i become a lump on the couch.

12) Do you like getting your picture taken? eh.......suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure. i'm more of a picture whore in the sense that i like taking pictures of people.

13) Have you ever taken a picture with the lens cap still on? maaaybe, but i can't do that with my camera.

14) Are you good at keeping secrets? somewhat.

15) Do you cry easily? ................................noooooo O:-)

16) Do you "brake for animals"? ....uhm....yes...sure...

17) So what school do you go to? chs.

18) What grade are you in? we're juuunyuhhhs

19) Do people at your school smoke in the bathroom? i've heard about a couple of times when yes would be the answer. i guess. i hope that sentence made sense.

20) Do you smoke? meh, no.

21) Which should have won the Oscar: "Gladiataor" or "Cast Away"? gladiator.

22) Do you like sports? some

23) Are you online a lot? ...................maaaaayyybe.

24) Do you frequently say "LOL" in an online converation? ewwy. never. unless, like aina said, we're making fun of people.

25) Do you like watermelon? watermelon is AWESOME.

26) Are you an optimist or a pessimist? depends on what we're talking about.

27) Did you ever collect Pogs? hahah hells yes. :-D

28) Have you ever had something in class that the teacher "took away" (besides a note or something)? hmmmm, don't think so.

29) Has a teacher ever taken away a note of yours and read it in front of the class? nope. i've never seen that happy, period.

30) What are your thoughts about abortion? i'm not comfortable with the idea, but a woman should be able to decide what the fuck she wants to do with her body. YOU HEAR THAT PRO-LIFE PEOPLE?!?

31) What's your favorite card game? solitaire, i guess. hahah that's kinda emo, actually. or spit. spit is fun.

32) Before a visit to the dentist, do you brush your teeth extra long to make up for the past months of neglect? hahah you know me too well.

33) Do you have a pet? mmmhmm. only the most ghetto cat EVVVVER. ;-)

34) Which are better: cats or dogs? cats. :-D

35) When eating out at a restaurant, do you tip the server well? yeppers. usually 20%

36) Are you a nutt nutt about putt putt? ........uh...HELLS YES!!!!!!!!1 HARDCORE STYLE!!

37) Where's the perfect place to go on a date? watching a movie/the daily show in my basement.

38) Have you ever gotten into a fist fight? hahah me?

39) If you were to attend a wedding reception, would you order chicken or beef? probably beef.

40) Have you ever been stung by a jellyfish? hahahha. ah. nope.

41) Do you think teachers have secretive romances with each other? this isn't the simpsons.

42) What's your favorite season? summer, baby.

43) Have you ever dissected an animal? If so what? ughhh, i never could.

44) Have you ever seen a shooting star? don't think so.

45) Ever been pulled over by the police? when my parents were driving, but i haven't.

46) What's your favorite song of the moment? defying gravit. :-D :-D

47) What do you look for in a girlfriend/boyfriend? alex (1..2..3..."Awww")

48) When's your birthday? in april. when about half of all my friends have their birthdays has well.

49) Do you read horoscopes? i do like to read them. i hardly ever believe them unless it's eerily similar, but...yeah, i like to read them.

50) Using a scale of 1-100%, describe how rebellious you are. hahah psh, somewhere under 50% percent, i can tell you that much. under 40%. under 30%. under 20%. hahaha

51) Do you find marine biology interesting? no. i'm freaked out by fish.

52) Do you have any allergies? i'm not sure.

53) Do you speak another language? limited french.

54) Do you typically get along better with Mom or Dad? ......mom? hahah. yeah. mom.

55) What is your favorite sport? tennis, baby!!!!

56) Do you play a musical instrument? semi? kinda? whatever.

57) Do you play video games? when the mood strikes. or when i'm in GA

58) Ever beaten a game? donkey kong. like 3 times. :-D

59) Are you the outdoors type? hahah not in the least. but i'm getting better. i barely freaked out when i was lying on the grass at ginny's. do you hear that?! I BARELY FREAKED OUT.....it's getting better.

60) Are you easily influenced by other people? i don't think so, but i tend to pick up certain mannerisms when i'm around certain people.

61) Are you a leader or a follower? i do much better as a follower, though i can manage as a leader.

62) Are you artsy? used to be a lot more so than i am now. i miss it.

63) Describe yourself in three words. tired right now

64) Describe the person who sent this to you in three words. so uberly cool

65) On a scale of 1-100%, rate how much you liked this survey. abooooutttt....70%. not the worst, but not that exciting either. sorrry. hahah

okay. i'm done. end scene.
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