Aug 08, 2007 16:08
I had her on Monday at 5:44am, exactly 1 week before I was suposed to be induced. She was 7lb 2 oz and they never told me how long she is. I'm at Riley Childrens Hospital right now, because she just had surgery yesterday to repair her doudenal stenosis and she had her appendix removed and her intestines were twisted. They also found a hole in her heart, but it will heal with antibiotics. I'm waiting on the results of a colon biopsy and the blood work results to determine if she has Downs Syndrome or not.
My contractions started at 10pm on Sunday and I ignored them until 3:55am. I figured they were just fake or something and that they'd go away. So at 3:55am I called my stepmom and told her to come and take me to the hospital, because I was at my Tre's house. She came and took me to L&D and the nurse but me on the moniters for 2 minutes, and said she needed to check me. As soon as I got in the room, I took my pants and underware off and my water broke. I yelled for the nurse and she said "Ohh yeah you're water broke" Then she checked me and I was already 6 to 7 centimeters. They took me to the delivery room and got me set up and they were going to get my epidural, but by the time they checked me again I was already 10 centimeters. So I went from 6 to 10 in about 5 minutes!!! I didn't get my drugs needless to say, but I told my nurse I needed to push and she said ok. I started pushing at about 4:30 and an hour later I had her. I tore a little and had to be snipped, but once I got cut she slid right out!
I'll have pictures posted later and updates on her surgery and whatnot.