Nov 05, 2005 06:10
Hello 04-ers! Did you know that we don't have to go to school this Tuesday and Thursday? No tutorials for the first week! Yay, a slack week it shall be for all of us heheh.
I suppose the timetable this sem isn't that bad at all; at least it gives me the flexiblity to work quite a few days. Yes, I think I've become somewhat of a workaholic. But it sure does help when the work environment is fun. I hate that I totally suck pushing sales though. It's like, omfg how come others do it so bloody naturallyyyy. And it's sad that Elie isn't working anymore, =(. Like who am I gonna bitch and complain to?!
Lalala, at least I'll be getting my iPod Nano soon. Hopefully it'll be before school starts, which leaves me - only Sunday. I'm getting second thoughts about the Nano though. Knowing myself, my screen will crack in no time. How how how!
Okay, this is really out of point but I hate the way I write. It's so incohorent and... out of point. Limited vocabulary too, obviously. But anyway, I can't wait for Christmassss. It's gonna be so fun because I'll have the money to buy lots and lots of presents (hopefully!) for everyone this time haha. Don't you just love giving presents?