(no subject)

Dec 21, 2004 01:17

Today (well yesty since its 1:17am. But today i worked my very first time ever!! It was the best!! Anyone who reads this journal,and lives in port, You better come down to JuCo, Juice and coffees hehe we do juices, smoothies, coffees, hot dogs =P, Fruit salads w/ yohgurt, sushi, and yeahhh! But it was sooo fun, and i seen heaps of ppl i knew so it was pretty cool. I work tomorrow as well at 1pm
My dad didn't work in the shop and neither did his g/f Dawn, So it was just me and this chick, Tori.. She's soo nice! And she taught me how to make lates,cuppacino,some of the juices and yeah!! Welllll Anywaysss I found some quiz things soo im gonna put em up <333


[-] The shoes you wore today: My etnies

[-] Your eyes: dark brown

[-] Your fears: Alot of things..

-----------------DO YOU---------------------------------

[-] Smoke: Yeahh
[-] Cuss: Allll the fucking time =P
[-] Take a shower everyday: just about
[-] Have a crush(es): yeah
[-] Who are they: Russell my b/f <333=)
[-] Do you think you've been in love?: Yes i have,
[-] Want to go to college: i doubt id get there..
[-] Want to get married: yep =]

[-] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yes
[-] Believe in yourself: naa not realli
[-] Get motion sickness: yeah i fink??
[-] Think you're attractive: ....
[-] Think you're a health freak: most definetly not. lol
[-] Get along with your parents: yeah
[-] Like thunderstorms: yeah
[-] Play an instrument: keyboard.

------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU------------

[-] Gone to the mall: yep
[-] Eaten sushi: yaha =) *yumm* <333
[-] Dyed your hair: yes, Blonde and got it cut too,
[-] Stolen anything: Uhmm nup.
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER--------------------------

[-] Missed school because it was raining?: haha, wat a funny question, why do you ask????? Yes i have =D xP
[-] Played a game that required removal of clothing?: HAHAHAHA yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[-] Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Lol.. Uhmmm yes i have. hehehe
[-] Been caught "doing something": nopeeee
[-] Like playing monopoly?: yes its the best
[-] Been called a tease: yes by russell hehehe u sexc beast u xP
[-] Gotten beaten up?: naw
[-] Been in a fight: naw
[-] Shoplifted: before yes...

-----------------THE FUTURE-----------------------------

[-] Age you hope to be married:um 24..25..mayb 23
[-] Numbers and Names of Children: I wanna have a boy, then a year later have a daughter, Uhmm for the girll, Id sayyy Aleisha and im not sure on the boi
[-] Describe your Dream Wedding: getting married to the man i love and he loves me back
[-] How do you want to die?: Uhmm, well i dont wanna die getting shot, drowned,sufocated,or kidnapped and beat and hat kinda shit. But i dunno how i want to die..
[-] What do you want to be when you grow up?: famous
[-] What country would you most like to visit?: Uhmmm i dunnoo

-----------------OPPOSITE SEX-----------------

[-] Best eye color: That nice grey colour
[-] Best hair color: Brown
[-] Short or long hair: Whatever suits him the best.
[-] Best first kiss: Lol dunno
[-] Best height: Just a lil taller then meee
[-] Best first date location: Dunnooo
-----------------NUMBER OF------------------------------

[-] Number of kisses you've given: hmm
[-] Number of drugs taken illegally: weed??
[-] Number of people I could trust with my life: 1=my mum
[-] Number of CDs that I own: alot
[-] Number of piercings: my lip, ears=3 in each, used to hav my nose,tongue and belly button done but not anymorz =(
[-] Number of tattoos: 0
[-] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: once
[-] Number of scars on my body: i got sum..but im not gonna count em juss for this
[-] Number of things in my past that I regret: ???


[-] Shampoo: fructis
[-] Fav Color(s): pink,black,white,lime green
[-] Day/Night: both
[-] Summer/Winter: both
[-] Fave Cartoon Character: uhmmm spongebob squarepants
[-] Fave Food: alottt
[-] Fave Movies: the butterfly effect, thirteen
[-] Fave sport: none =P

---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----------------------

[-] Cried: nup
[-] Worn jeans: yeah 
[-] Met someone new online: nup
[-] Done laundry: nup
[-] Drove a car: not allowed 2 drive yet =(
[-] Talked on the phone: yep

Well im off,
Toodles, Chi Chi,
<3333333 mee -xOx-

P.s. Russell's here and he's fallin asleep soo im planning to tackle the sack of shit now heheheheheheheheheheeh d3v10u$ ;)
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