Dec 22, 2004 19:39
woo! haven't been updating often.
went to school. I was so tired. then around 9:45 I left and headed to get x-rays. sat there for two hours, found out nothing's wrong except the shin splints. gah. went back to school, made it for 20 minutes of gym. Emily was kind of mad. but we are in love. after school I had practice and my legs felt so much better without taping them and using my ankel brace. weird, yo. after practice, madre picked me up and we went to Pepinos, which was packed, and I got the sex talk once more. we finally got out of there and picked Emily up and the two of us went to the banging boys V basketball game. we won, of course and I came home and neglected all homework.
went to school, sucked at everything because it was gay that we were even there. GOT TO HAVE A PARTY IN MRS. TABOR'S STUDY HALL. which was strange because she always seems like such a bitch. oh well.. during 15/16 I took my bio test and then went to deliver candy canes. I caught up with Mike and Katrina and tagged along with them for like 2 seconds then I saw Mr. James Rogers so him and I just kind of walked around and found Andy Mead. the three of us walked around for a bit but then Andy had to leave us =(. so it was James and I who just randomly gave out candy canes to people walking by but of course he had to leave me too.. so I found Andy Baldacci and he ended up smuggling like five boxes at the bell. it was a lot better than sitting in bio, I'll tell you that. -- after school I went to the mall to finish up my Christmas shopping. mother also bought me two sweatshirts and at 5:00 I went to practice. agony once again. god. and he got really mad at us. I wonder how we'll do against Brewer tomorrow. guess we'll see.
tomorrow is the team Yankee Swap at Jen's. going to fun, fo sho. =) I think I'm finally going to get a new permit tomorrow too. yayayay.
QCC dance tonight/right now.
Oddly Appropriate's playing.
I kind of want to go.