as you all know from Ike we're back together and are engaged. Some of you might think this to fast and stuff but its alright. We love each other and we know we want to be with each other. i think this time its really going to work. im so excited and im so happy to have him back. its so great. he's great and hes so much better since he went to
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Hows the lil ole milf doing huh??????Hopefully not too swollen.I want to see my neice and nephew or nephew and nephew...SO GET ER DONE!!!Lol. I'm too damn impatient damn it and I miss Kade and Choloe being that little, you know?*sighs*And if Natalie had not lost our baby...well....she and I would have a baby right now.But...I mean,we will do fine, I guess.Nikki I know how your so in love with Ike and I understand it now, because I am crazy mad in love with Natalie, I can't remember falling THIS in love ever, you know?Its all so crazy how these things work out....I wish my kids could be in Natalie's and my wedding as flower girl and ring barrer..but...*Sighs* Kate will never go for that and I just...I have to face the fact she's never gonna let me see them again..and im gonna miss them so god damn much.But I mean hey..we can always have ur twins be in the wedding, they may not be able to walk down that isle but we can arrange for someone to pull them down the isle in a little red wagon, it'd be cute,you know? Well I wish you guys the best of luck alright?Ike buddy, treat her right.You take care of eachother y'all hear me?Lol.
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