Aug 03, 2005 17:15
Hey guys//girls
Im @ my cousiinsz house but im getting a chance 2 update cus i wanna no hu u guys got for HR... i found out i got gonzalez e ... but we have good ppl so far so im happy! these r the ppl i no, if ur no on thiis list or if u no other peepsz leave a comment!
Gonzalez e
* me
* Ivette
* Priscilla
* Becky
* Camila V
* Reidel
* Alex e
* Monica
* Jessica f
* Jonathan M
Gonzalez D
* Cristy
* Dayron
* Vicent
* Eliza
* Karina
* Diana
* Caro
* Kelly
* Paul
* Monique
kk Thankz ByE !!
♥ Giselle
Edit ;;
Gonzalez e
* Alyssa
* Melissa G
Gonzalez D
* Danny m
* Lorena
* Joshua
* Mabelle
* Carlos
* Natalie
* Louis
* Alex D