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Oct 10, 2006 14:39

I am "the cripple" once again.
temporarily anyways, but still

heres the story:

I was dirtbiking with my cousin courtney and we decided to go further up the trail and take the hill. We were on my favorite part of the trail (it's a straight road thats really long with no major bumps or anything and I love it because you can fly down it without having to worry.) when these guys started to ride with us. Courtney fell behind and was next to the younger guy, and I was ahead with the older one. He was being a dick cause his bike is a 2 stroke and mine - a 4 stroke can't even touch the speed that his can reach. To show off how incredibly amazing he was, he decided to do a wheely. He looked back to see if I was looking and I passed him. Then I'm getting near the turn back onto the other part of the trail, and he comes back onto where I was from another part of the trail. I thought I already lost him and he was behind me, but I guess he turned off the road onto a side trail. I didn't expect to see him coming so I went to turn and completley lost control, he nearly crashed into me and I didn't want to hit him so I swerved to the side, but I couldn't slow down fast enough because I was in top of 2nd gear when he cut me off, and I ended up crashing. My bike hit a HUGE rock and i hit the HUGE rock next to it... then landed on a tree. Nothing else hurt except my leg, not broken - but I can't walk on it so I've got ANOTHER pair of crutches. I should be riding again by the weekend.. but it still hurts like a bitch.
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