Hello LJ did you miss me?

Jun 25, 2010 20:50

You know why I don't LJ any more? Because I barely have time in my life to scratch my ass. Nice image, I know, but hey. I've also started a 'real me' blog, one that I can share with my family and friends more comfortably.
Can't do that with LJ. It's got too much fannish silliness on it!

So I'm...
*still living in sin with the boyfriend. I guess he's a 'de facto' now, though nobody can give me a definate answer on how that is defined
*still at my job at the Communications Corporation of Death. I don't like it lots, but I don't loathe it. Been trying to get another job for about 6 months now. Nothing else out there in my city with anywhere near the pay I'm on currently. On the bright side, I may actually get a payrise this year.
*pretty out of fandom, though I do follow fannish things on Twitter. I watch a lot of cable TV now, so I'm all about the trashy shows - Toddlers & Tiaras, Hoarders, Kendra, The Soup.
*LOVING Stargate Universe. It's replaced the gap left by Battlestar Galactica. In face, it makes me feel like I'm watching the love child of BSG and Firefly. Good stuff!
*Strangely, also starting watching Xena: Warrior Princess every week, because SciFi channel started showing it from the beginning. It's just plain awesome. Does anyone know where I can find any academic stuff on the homoeroticism of the Xena/Gabrielle relationship? I know it's out there.
*Lately been feeling like I should save all my old fanfic from fanfic.net. Because my old computer (Pippin) blew up some time ago and I lost everything. Icons, photos, fic; everything. Sad sad panda.
*watching the Twilight fandom with astonishment and unease, but also amusement. Have read two of the books but am nowhere near being 'ínto' them. I did really enjoy the first Twilight movie though. It was a fantasic book adaptation, talk about page to screen.

So what you all up to?

Oh yes, and ozchick just reminded me, my country has a new Prime Minister! A female one! That's pretty big news.

lj, fandom, twitter, twilight, rl

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