So I’ve decided to sell a few books of mine that are just taking up space on my bookshelf.
Cost is $5AUD each, with $2.50 postage in Australia, $5 overseas - discount for multiple buys of course!
Just comment below if you want one, or email me - xehra1 @ Payment via Paypal or direct deposit.
Princess by Jean P. Sasson (bought 2nd-hand, a little bashed up)
Jemina J by Jane Green (bought 2nd-hand)
Emma by Jane Austen (can’t remember where I got this, but good condition)
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (soon to be a movie! Bought 2nd-hand, cover is a little soiled and book a bit dog-eared)
Perfume from Provence by Lady Fortescue (bought 2nd-hand but ok condition)
The Right Attitude to Rain by Alexander McCall-Smith (bought new, never read)
The Bachelor List by Jane Feather (bought 2nd-hand, good condition)
Looking for Andrew McCarthy by Jenny Colgan (bought 2nd-hand)
The Little Lady + Little Lady, Big Apple by Hester Brown - $10 for both. (both bought 2nd-hand, a little bashed up)
The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella (bought new, good condition)
Dead Famous by Ben Elton (bought 2nd-hand, good condition)
Magician by Raymond Feist (bought new, covered in contact)
Ticket to Ride by Sarah Darmody (bought 2nd-hand, a little bashed up)
The Kabul Beauty School by Deborah Rodrigez (bought new, good condition)
The Darcy Spirit by Elizabeth Aston (bought new, good condition)
To Hellas & Back by Lana Penrose (bought new, good condition)
Various trashy romance novels, mostly Harlequin Mills & Boon: