(no subject)

Jun 23, 2008 08:31

Hello livejournal.
So they direct-debited another year's worth of membership from me the other day (forgot I had set that damn thing up) which reminded me that I have neglected my LJ.
It's funny to think something that was such a large part of my life for a long time is now something I hardly think about - except to wonder what my old online friends are up to :)
I still have dial-up at home, and then only when we buy some prepaid credit - archaeic I know, but the budget simply does not allow for broadband right now!
I am posting this from work - used to be I would never do such a thing for fear of people seeing my username but now I don't really care. Everyone's obsessed with Facebook now so that's the only thing that people will look over your shoulder at!
So what's been happening? Lots of drama in my personal life - I moved in with my boyfriend but his mother was living with us as well for a couple of months - long story. She's now gone, thank the gods and Colin and I are 'playing house'. Not quite domestic bliss but it is wonderful to just enjoy life as a couple on our own, without interference!
Re: fandomness, I have little or no involvement with the online fandom community these days and don't keep up with most things, except the big stuff. The most fandom-y thing I've done lately is start to watch BSG S3 - we got the boxed set months ago but I haven't had time to watch it. Colin watched it all in about 3 days when we got it, so he's all school-boy excited about me finding out stuff for the first time. I am having a hard time keeping him from spoiling me as he is very bouncy about the finale. That series gives me a total mind-fuck, I love it. Don't know when S4 will be out here but will be getting it, no doubt!
So, how's everyone else doing?

lj, bsg, rl

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