Email XVII:  I live for something much better.  Not that you'd care.

Aug 31, 2005 00:08

Sure.  You're not a lackey.  Of course not.  Because people like Magneto, they're all about the equal opportunity.

You don't follow orders?  So the killing and the fires and all of that is all your idea.  Right, I think I just lost all desire to continue these emails.

So come kill me, already.  I'll make it easy for you.  I won't even make you come to the school for me.  I'll meet you at the video arcade, where we used to go.  We can head out to the alley, and you can just FUCKING GET IT OVER WITH.

If evolution is going to eliminate the normals, then that's one thing.  But genocide isn't evolution, it isn't the natural order, and it isn't right.  It's sick, and it's wrong, and I'm tired of trying to make you see this.  I'm done.  You've made your choices, you're not who I thought you were, and I don't like who you are.

Don't bother replying.

Robert Drake
Xavier's School for the Gifted

"We are here on Earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know."
--W. H. Auden (1907 - 1973)
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