i've been violated...by a professional..lol

Sep 02, 2005 19:05

Ok so I havent updated in a little minute so I figured I might as well..

Today at 2:45 I went to the Doctor's Office..I sat down...filled out paperwork...lame

Got called back at like 3:25 or something...the nurse weighed me(121 lbs)*geeezz* and I went potty in a cup and put it in the window..as told.

She told me it was a definate POSITIVE..and that I was 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant...heh..and then she gave me prenatal vitamins....

She took me back in the room and told me to get naked from the waste down and cover my lap...lol.
VERY uncomfortable...plus my mom was in the room (after I had told her that I didnt want ANYONE back there) but whatever....

The Doctor lady came in...asked me if I "was" on any kind of birth control or using protection....my mom told her that we were trying to have a baby...and this is how the doctor reacted "WELL THATS A DUMBASS IDEA!" and yes..those were her exact words...lol

She estimated about how far along I was..and once again it was 5 weeks and 3 days...and she told me that my due date would be somewhere around the end of April or the beginning of May...

Then she felt me up and told me the baby was the size it should be for around 5 weeks so the estimation was right..and everything was where it was supposed to be..so that should be the due date and whatnot.

Then I made another appt..(yay..>sarcasm<) for the 21st and I should be there for like an hour and a half to two hours...AWESOME!..but not really..kinda.

So now im off to the movies and to my friend's birthday party.

Thats all I got for now.
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