Jul 30, 2005 22:49
Would you...
{}Dance with me...
{}Go skydiving with me...
{}Get a tattoo with me...
{}Walk naked around the neighborhood...
{}Go to Vagas with me...
{}Ask me to marry you...
{}Fall in love with me...
Do you...
{}Like me...
{}Want to get to know me...
{}want to be with me...
{}Like to draw...
{}Like to dance...
{}Like to try new things...
How come...
{}People never answer these...
{}People get scared off easily...
{}We have rules...
{}I'm writing this...
1:Do I prefer Black or purple {}black {}purple {}both
2:Motorcycle or car {}car {}motorcycle
3:How long have I been dancing {}7 years {}8 1/2 years {} roughly 9 years
4:Jeans and T-shirt or PJ's {}PJ's {} Jeans and T
5:Starburst or Skitles {}Starburst {}skitles
6:Starbucks or Coffee Bean {}Starbucks {}Coffee Bean
7:Reading or writing {}Reading {}writing {}you don't even know
8:Nght time, Day or Evening {}Night {}Day {}Evening
9:Pen or pencil {}Pen {}pencil
10:Weezer,TBS, or Rise Agenst {}Weezer all the way {}TBS {}RA {}Are you kiddin me they all are your fav.
11:Black or blonde hair {}Blonde {}Black {}you could care less it's just hair
12:What month was I born in {}October. {}January {}December
13:How many pets do I have {}1 {}2 {}3
14:What pet would I like to have {}rabbit {}cat {}ferret
15:What size pants do I wear {}3 and 5 {} 5 and 7 {} all 4
16:Favorite color of rose {}red {}black {}white {}pink
17:Do I expirement with life {}yes {}no
18:Do I like the arts {}NO {}yes
19:I would like to visit {}London and France {}Rome and Germany {}Italy and Venesuala
20:Am I a romantic {}yes {}No
21:Do I like romance {}No {}yes
22:Comedy or Drama {}Comedy {}both {}Drama
23:Salt or pepper {}Pepper {}you need both {}Salt
24:What do I think of school {}Hate it {}love it {}could care less {}just do it and you'll get through
25:What kind of car do I want {}05 Mustang {}don't care as long as it works {} Scion X5
Anyways hope you had fun doing this...LOL...if possible. I'm out ~Stacie~