Oct 16, 2005 15:07
On friday was my soccer game under the lights!! It was a blast but we lost 2-1!! but they shouldn't have even gotten the 2nd goal cuz the ball went out n the other coach saw it n was about to say something but then he didnt i got so pissed at him n the stupid fat ref!!!!! ughhh i hated that ref he didnt call anything right! n then like the last 3 seconds allie on my team she threw the ball in n i was right in front of the goal n we were about to score n this girl from the other team got a hand ball right when the ref. blew the whistle to end the game!! god they rnt supposed to end the game right when we r about to score a goal n the girl got a hand ball n we should have got to kick at the net but no the stupid fat ugly ref is so stupid n i dont kno y he even got his ref lisence or whatever they get!! grrr! yea n on thurday my neighbors friend came over n was looking for him n tried bangging on the door but no one answered so then my mom n linda n paul helped her daughter get thru the kitchen window n then the mom went up stairs n found my neighbor dead!! yea isnt that great!?! he commited suicide! so the cops n ambulence n firetruck were here til late n then his friend was here later n i didnt get to bed til like 2 a.m. n i didnt get to school the next day cuz i was so tired n still like shocked n sad!! yea he has 2 kids that r 12 n 9!!! i feel sooo bad for them! but yea they came over yesterday with their mom n got all the stuff that they wanted out of their dads house n then we played with the littler one cuz the older one was like so mellow n just hung out in his dads house getting things together!!! well yea im gonna see them today cuz his memorial or whatever is today n like our whole neighborhood is going!! its gonna be sad! n yea yesterday me my mom karly shelby jamie n amanda went to rosevilles homecoming parade n game, n we had a "tailgate"!! it was a lot of fun but then on the game we started losing really really bad so we stayed til half-time so we could at least see who got crowned homecoming king n queen!! well the girl that we all wanted yo be homecoming queen didnt get it!! which was sad cuz shes really nice n pretty n i think she should have got it! but o well what r u gonna do? well i have to finish getting ready for this thing today!