Jun 27, 2010 09:54
Seriously, excluding last month, the last four months I have been woken up at like two or three in the morning with cramps and mess that really can't wait until morning. I know I've been dealing with these on a monthly basis for the last twelve years (may/june '07 pregnancy scare excluded), but come on, body! Two in the morning? Can't it wait 'til 8:30-9 when I have some coffee in me? *sigh*
Also, hi creepy weird dreams about a sexual sadist with an identical twin fetish. I really didn't like not being in control of that dream and getting to change it to a happy ending. I wasn't even watching any of my crime shows last night, so what was up with that?
I had to ask Joe about five times about dishes from our kitchen that wound up downstairs last week during his birthday party. He was going to clean them, but, all week, their dishes didn't get done. I think Heaven finally got sick of him not doing them and did them herself, after I came down to reclaim our lost dishes once and for all.
Two parcels from my mum arrived the other day. One is sitting un-opened in the spare bedroom, waiting for July 15. (If you happen to remember that's my birthday, feel free to wish me happy birthday, but even with birthday reminders I know I'm a shitty terrible person who forgets to wish other folks a happy birthday, so I totally understand if you don't.) The other parcel was full of old family linen-table cloths, some placemats, and a bunch of (mostly) homemade lace doilies. I don't even like doilies, but they were made by my grandma and aunty Nan and it should stay in the family.
Winter sucks, by the by, as much as my uterus does. Anyway, I got a war or two happening in Kingdoms of Camelot over on FB, so I better see what my alliance is up to.