May 08, 2008 12:44
So, I really wanted to show this icon to a friend of mine only to discover that I haven't got it archived on my photobucket account, so, I couldn't. But I thought I'd ask if any of you might have it?
It's a sort of crossover of Stargate Atlantis and some Firefly/Serenity dialogue, basically about Atlanis Re: the Wraith and Michael, and Mal's pretty speech about the Alliance shifting back to the idea that they could make people better. It's rather cool, if kinda disturbing, because one doesn't like to think of the good guys being kinda bad guys, and all that.
I thought I'd ask, anyhow. 'Salright if I get nothing.
Side note, obnoxious people should know better than to be obnoxious in a library. Most library patrons get very snotty towards inconsiderate fuckers, and books are handy weapons when it comes down to it.
The Mord-Sith glare is a good one for making them run, too.