
Nov 24, 2006 18:08

Seems every time I prepare a meal that's not, like, meat pies or something, I get compliments. I think possibly it's because 1) I only cook one night a week, 2) Dad and Suzy both like not having the cook for once, 3) it's their way of encouraging me to cook more often. Mebbe. As it is, I've managed not to screw up any meals yet. Even the kinda sorta more-fancy-than-my-usual meals I make.

I've also been verboten from having big lunches ever again because then I'm just not properly hungry come dinnertime. And I get full sooner. Heh. My bad.

Need to stop staying up online 'til the wee hours of the morning reading porn. Although... it was really good porn. Like, totally avoided using those horrible euphemisms and wasn't really sappy and they were perfectly in character while also being completely wasted. *laughs* Er. Yes. I enjoyed reading all that fic. But I shouldn't keep myself up so late.

See Ange on Sunday. And Tuesday. Pretty sure I'm working this weekend, but not during the week... yet.

Whee! A proper entry that is not a meme or... wait, no, I have a quiz result thingy to post, too. Hee. Nicked from macjinx:


You look for balance and harmony, anxious, devoted. Often rash and impatient.

Colors: male: yellow ochre, female: grey
Compatible Signs: Sekhmet, Horus
Dates: Jul 14 - Jul 28, Sep 23 - Sep 27, Oct 3 - Oct 17

Role: Goddess of cats, women, and secrets
Appearance: Cat or cat-headed woman
Sacred animals: cat

What is Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign?
Designed by CyberWarlock of Warlock's Quizzles and Quandaries


sheep, lust, quiz, insomnia

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