its amazing how well guys listen/read.

Jul 01, 2007 23:35

why is it that they cant take "You blew it get over it." as an answer??
They have to beat around the bush...

Guy (11:01:45 PM): I wish i still had a friend like you.

Me (10:59:38 PM): aww
Me (11:00:02 PM): you can still talk to me
Me (11:00:05 PM): whast wrong?

Guy (11:03:08 PM): I'm not even kidding. I talked to you about everything, you truley understood me. I think I even cried infront of you before. I miss you a lot, I really do.
Guy (11:04:19 PM): Everytime I got upset you were always there to help, everytime I came across a road block you helped me knock it down. Then shit got out of hand, I was an asshole and somewhere along the line lost one of my best friends. I really don't like that.
Guy (11:06:20 PM): I'm really sorry.
Me (11:03:50 PM): why are you sorry?

Guy (11:07:14 PM): Cause, I know the reason we stopped talking was because of me. I was an asshole to you when you were nothing but kind, loyal, n generous.
Guy (11:09:27 PM): I miss sitting there just rambling about nothing, or hangin out gettin drunk at the beach.

Me (11:06:52 PM): hahahaaa
Me (11:06:56 PM): good times

Guy (11:10:19 PM): Pissing on your car like 4987586 times. Im really sorry about that!

Me (11:07:44 PM): hahaa. its coool

Guy (11:11:08 PM): Can I ask you a random meaningless question?

Me (11:08:29 PM): sure

Guy (11:11:37 PM): Did you ever once miss me? or think about me? when we just suddenly stopped talking

Me (11:09:01 PM): yeah

Guy (11:12:15 PM): Why didnt you talk to me?

Me (11:10:23 PM): becasue i liked you at the time and i figured why talk to a dude who was talking shit behind my back. so i got over it realll quick
Me (11:10:34 PM): no effense

Guy (11:13:54 PM): Yea, I forgot about that. Im so so sorry..but not gonna lie I liked you too.. a lot. Idk why I did that.

Me (11:11:39 PM): no need to apologize. the past is the past and you cant change it
Me (11:11:42 PM): its fine

Guy (11:15:09 PM): no, I wan't to tho. Im sure it kinda hurt u or pissed u off and it wasent right in no way shape or form.
Guy (11:15:27 PM): I truley liked you and I think you should know the facts thats all.
Guy (11:19:32 PM): I know after all the shit I did, said and all that has happened we will never have the friendship we once had but id like to get some sort of friendship back with you...I honestly would kill to have the relationship we once had.
Guy (11:23:25 PM): Well I assume you're busy.
Guy (11:23:36 PM): Ill ttyl, have a good night/morning. Bye

Me (11:20:38 PM): we can have a friendship again

Guy (11:23:49 PM): we can?

Me(11:21:03 PM): it will just be far from what we once had

Guy (11:25:02 PM): Yes I understand. From what I understand tho, you build relationships correct?
Guy (11:25:02 PM): friendships/relationships*

Me (11:22:47 PM): you had your chance with that but you blew it so it will only be a friendship and nothing else

Guy (11:26:36 PM): Well what I'm trying to get at is you build over a vast period of time our friendship mite be as close as it once was?

Me (11:24:24 PM): no. what im saying is that it wont get to that point because you had your chance and blew. im the type of girl that gives you one chance and if you let it slip, its your bad

Guy (11:28:14 PM): Honestly, how many years ago was that? I was young and so for real.
Guy (11:28:31 PM): I know I fucked up tho...BAD

Me (11:25:46 PM): to be honest with you. im not going to change my standards for a fool.
Me (11:26:11 PM): thats just who i am. im not some chicks who lets guys think they can just run back to them with open arms

Guy (11:29:35 PM): No I understand and thats not what Im asking for.

Me (11:26:56 PM): it wont grow into anything but a friendship. nothng else

Guy (11:30:14 PM): Im just saying in maybe a few years if we continue to talk again, maybe our FRIENDSHIP will be as close as we once were,

Me (11:27:26 PM): im telling you it wont

Guy (11:30:43 PM): If I knew back then what I know now. I would have never hurt you in anyway. Thats fact......okay.

Me (11:27:50 PM): i understand that

Guy (11:31:43 PM): Who know's thats all ima say.
Guy (11:32:56 PM): Well im goin to bed. Its late.
Guy (11:33:00 PM): ttyl
Guy (11:33:00 PM): bye

Me (11:29:54 PM): gooodnight

Guy (11:33:45 PM): you too.
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