Jan 28, 2003 10:27
Anya has been a bigger pain in my butt lately than she was when we use to date. Yeah so she found out I wished away her orgasms and seems to thinks that I can undo it or would want to undo it. I’m sorry but she destroyed thousands of men over the centuries and I think she got what she deserved. Violet thinks we should help her when this is all over and I reluctantly agreed.
The Buffster seems to be back to normal other than her obsession with Faith which as surprising as it is seems to almost make sense. I mean they both are Slayers and have to work together in danger and these thoughts are starting to lead me to mud wrestling. Okay Xander, think of something else, crullers are nice, they are my friend, Buffy and Faith wrestling in a pit of crullers. Time to change the subject.
The G-man and I went to the zoo to get a cage for Angel and let me tell you we stayed away from the hyenas, they still creep me out a little. Being possessed by them may be fun at first with all the sniffing and the feeling of power, but it loses its charm quickly when you start picking Babe from your teeth. Anyway, we were able to secure a cage and it will be ready to go when we need it.