Jul 12, 2007 12:47
Got my tonsils out yesterday.
It fucking hurts. Who ever told me I was going to do fine, was an idiot. lmao.
Although, the doctor said I was doing fairly well for the size of my tonsils. Apparently they were really big and swollen. And the tonsil beds needed to be taken care of, or something?
I had to share a room with three other people.
Three extremely feeble old ladies. Who didn't like to wear underwear under there backless dresses. Ladies who pee'd in bed pans, because they couldn't walk. But one was SO sweet. Her name was Doris, and she had an English accent, and I dragged one of my stuffies to join me overnight, and she said she liked Kurt, and thought he looked soft. I didn't let her touch him. He's mine!
And one of the nurses was sweet. She sat down with me, for about, 10 minutes, out of her busy night, because I was having trouble sleeping, and stayed with me for a bit, and we talked.
I felt bad because my mom was falling asleep in the chair, so I told her to go home.
Either way. I better be okay by 9 days. haha. I need to go on that pubcrawl!!!