Yesterday I went to the Mall.
The day before I got 50 bucks from Auntie and a Marilyn Monroe book.
The day before I got 50 bucks from Grandma Geneva.
I spent 50 yesterday.
I went to the mall with Cheyenne, she's one of my best friends, we're almost/practically sisters I slept over a her palce last night and we watched House of Wax. That movie creeped me out. I thought it'd be bad, but I was sooo frickin scared. But I'm also really jumpy. I laughed so fruckin hard when Paris Hilton was killed.
Tonight at 6:30 I am going to Candycane Lane with Dayle and Krissy. Dayle is my godmother, who other than the last time i saw her (15 minutes on Halloween) was years ago. And Krissy is my cousin, who though I sometimes talk to on the phone, I haven't seen in 4 or 5 years. I'm nto gonna get into that story, it's a little too personal for LJ.
I wrote a poem earlier. Here it is:
& I'm watching you
and her.
I know I shouldn't,
but I am.
I know I should be
looking at him, kissing
him, but I don't
want him.
I want you.
& I'm remembering all
the lessons you taught
me, and didn't teach
& I want to go home.
But I can't, I'm stuck
here, even though I know
I shouldn't be here;
in the back seat of
your car & wanting
you more than anything.
But I came, &
I'm here,
& there's nothing I can
do about it.
'Cause you won't let me
go, & I don't think
I'd leave anyway.
& I'll just sit here,
watching, wanting, waning,
'cause I'm lonely
& life's always lonelier
in the back seat.
Lotsa lvoe my Livejournal mates,