
Dec 12, 2005 10:03

Is coming up! Oooohhhh.... I can't wait. There's this one present for me under the tree that is soooooo huuuuge! My mom told me yesterday that she spent about $1200.00 on everyone and at least $600.00 was spent on me. I'm a little spoiled.

I had to tell TJ not to get me Fantastic Four cause there's a DVD for me under the tree and it might be that movie....and I'd hate to get two of the same gift.

But I'm in school right now....and sooooo starving.

It's only second period! One more to go til lunch. urrrkkk.

I'm trying to play Gold rush on Zylom but this stupid school computer is not letting me. :(

Today I'm going to Mecca's house to help her with math stuff. Our unit final is prolly this week and she knows NOTHING (she moved here from BC and she hasn't taken math yet) so I hope she doesn't have to take it. Not to be mean but she'll do sooooo bad.

Hope everyone has a good day.

Lotsa love my Livejournal mates,

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