Dec 08, 2005 07:38
Today is....
GLENORA Pre-school! It's gonna be soooo fun....I loove little kids. They're ooo little and soooo cute! And they might perform their Christmas concert for us after we help them make gingerbread houses or christmas trees (while making one for ourselves). I can't wait.
The plan:
Go to school...hopefully my bus won't be too late. (hopefully it won't be too cold in case it is late)
Get to school hopefully on time.
Go to my locker and put my stuff away...then go to math class.
Sit in math class for 15 minutes, then they'll call us down.
Go to my locker and take out my jacket and put my stuff away.
Go to Glenora Pre-school.
Miss Periods I (Math) and Period II (Science...suckiness)
Now..onto Christmas plans...
I've planned to get Shannon a stuffie..preferably a pig (that's what she said she wanted), TJ chocolates me and my mom are making some this weeeknd for people), Natasha proably a stuffie..preferably a horse (she loooves horses), Erika....prolly a stuffed puppy (my nickname for her is puppybear), Benjamin and Zachary.... Zachary: Black Eyed Peas: Monkey Business, Benjamin: System of a Down: dunno what it's called...but he wants their new one.
My mom: noooo flippin idea!
My dad: noooo flippin idea!
My auntie Willa: the pincushion I'm making in fashion class.
My cousin Amanda: no idea.
My cousin Jeremy: nooo idea.
What do i know I'm getting?
Likely, Four Brothers and Fantastic Four (from TJ).
Urrrkkk.....I'm hungry.
But guess what?
I now have more of a life!
On Mondays and Thursdays, I shall be tutoring (or helping) the new girl Mecca. She's from BC (and yes, that's her real name), and she has NO idea what we're doing.
Lotsa love my Livejournal mates,