Nov 13, 2005 20:21
List 10 things that you dont think people would normally know about you. They can be the most random things as long as someone learns something new about you. After you list these things you must tag at least 5-10 people so that they can list 10 things about themselves and tag others. So if i tagged you copy these rules post your own list of 10 things you dont think people know about you and then tag at least 5 more people. Have fun!
1)i only smoke when im drunk
2)i REALLY want to go to college in doublin ireland with miss jacquelyn.
3)i cannot stand people who think they are better than others
4)i love sex and the city desperate housewives and one tree hill
5)i HATE living here...but i do love the friends that i have made
6)i do not like wine and the only kind i do like is the REALLY sweet wine!!
7)i love the state of michigan
8)i want to be a physical therapist when i get older
9)i want to move back to michigan
10)i cant wait to be out of high school!!!!!!
hmm now i tag...chantel, brandon, jessica, lolo, and lauren
hawthorne heights