So much for closure.
I'm feeling far too lazy for school. I feel like not going to school ever again. Ever ever. I'm not very interested in doing any of the homework and all that stuff. I don't really want to go for any lessons. I just want to sit and talk to my friends and just hang out mindlessly and perhaps play carrom. BLAH.
I don't understand what's so great about The Catcher In The Rye. To me, Holden Caulfield sounds like an angsty, spoiled teenager who's just rambling on and on about his time after he busted out of his posh, poncy school. So?
I am a closet fan of The Red Violin. My mum all but forced me to watch it and now I think it's great. But if I let that show too obviously my mum is never going to let me live it down. So I am now forced to be a closet fan, listening to the soundtrack when my mum doesn't know. Bwaha. And I'm pretty upset because I chose such a nice box when I bought the soundtrack and I put it in my schoolbag and it got crushed. There's a big crack in the box now. Hmph.
My dad has discovered that he enjoys Desperate Housewives. Haha. So now he's going to be watching with me. Yay. Desperate Housewives watch buddy. Finally something we both like.