(no subject)

Dec 05, 2005 19:13

Every girl dreams for that one guy who::

*Says "I love you" && really, truly means it.
*That opens doors.
*That walks on the outside of a sidewalk so he can be the first to get hit by a car that careens off the road && push her out of the way.
*That cooks dinner for her.
*That says, "Sex can wait."
*That says, "You're beautiful."
*That was never too busy to drive across town to see her.
*That gives flowers && a card && even a stuffed animal when she is sick.
*Who has given her flowers just because she is feeling a bit depressed.
*That says he would die for her.
*That really would.
*That did what she wanted to do.
*That treated her like a princess.
*That cried in front of her.
*That she cried in front of.
*That holds hands with her.
*That kisses her with meaning.
*That hugs her when she's sad.
*Who would give up their jacket.
*That calls to make sure she got home safe.
*That would sit && wait for her for hours just to be able to see her for 10 minutes.
*That would give his seat up.
*That just wants to cuddle.
*That will sleep(no sex) with her.
*That reassured her that she was beautiful no matter what.
*Who told his secrets to her.
*That tried to show her how much he cared through every word && every breath.
*That thought maybe this could be the one.
*That believed in her dreams.
*That would do anything so she could achieve them.
*That never laughed at her when she told him her dreams.
*That wasn't just trying to get laid.
*That actually listens.
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