Aug 01, 2005 11:57
oh ok! i'm sorta joking.. i just bought a tamagotchi. her name is "sushi." its pretty cool. i havent seen any of these things since middle school. i want to get another one because get this, they can mate now. lol. i dont remember them being able to do that! its so weird. i'm a happy mommy. she's well behaved and she only cries when she's hungry or wants to play. she's not spoiled anymore. only bummer? she cost 20 bucks. WOW. theres no real upgrade except for the mating thing. but other than that, its the practically the same as it was 6-7years ago.
i watched The Island last night instead of going out (sorry mary). it was pretty good. good plot, decent characters. it was entertaining. the only thing that "irked" me a little was the matrix knock offs. you know, the bodies being harvested, machines entering your body through controversial areas, the car chases, shattering glass buildings, etc. but i liked it. it didnt go over board.. i thought it was better than War of the Worlds & Batman Begins. idk. just my personal opinion.
anyways. im off to do laundry (i hope).