(no subject)

Sep 29, 2004 11:52

All of you that dont know listen carefully. After 9/11 , The Patriot Act was passed (that might not be the exact name so dont quote me on that) it basically says that if the incident that anything else major like 9/11 happens, basically like a nuclear bomb or something ; the government reserves the right to throw the constitution out of the window. Basically throwing all our rights out the window. For example, they would no longer need search warrants to go through your stuff (which is already happening), stuff like that. OoO..did you know that there is already a computer that scans all our phone call, emails etc. for anything terrorist related. There is nothing we can do to stop it. In saying the previous I have concluded that I believe in certain concepts of anarchism, with a slight alteration. I believe in government bc if we didnt have some control people would go nuts, not that some chaos isnt good. I believe in the old goverment. The one that this nation was founded on, not the revised version we are living under now.I'm not quite sure what thats called but the closest thing I could relate it to is anarchism. Now, on my particular thoughts of who I'm going to vote for I've narrowed it down to Nadar or Bush. And here is why but in a shorter version bc this is beginning to get lengthy. Nadar is a humanitarian, an enviromentalist..just to say a few things. Bush reminds me of my grandpa. I believe in some parts of this war, not all of it.  I look at it this way ( just a scenario) If the crazy crackhead down the street came to your house while you were having a family reunion and killed all your family..all of them dead. What would you do? say "oh thats ok, we forgive you" or would you hunt them down and kick their ass, if not harsher. I friggin' hate Kerry, and not bc he's democrate bc party names mean nothing to me, but bc he seems fake. His hair is big, he looks like he gets in that airbrush tan thing, and he married an ugly ass woman bc she was the heiress to the Heinz fortune. I'm sorry but I dont want a fake ass golddigger for my president. Yes, Bush may mess up grammar, may get a little confused on things, but doesnt that make him seem more like the common person, not to mention southern too. In conclusion, the government sucks balls, the world is going nuts BUT there isnt much we can do about it.So get your ass out and vote bc everything, even the air we breathe is affected by voting.

I'm dont ranting now.
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