Feb 17, 2005 20:31
Okay, so today was pretty cool. Here's how it went down:
went to the cafeteria before school as usual. I saw mrs. cheyne. I said "mrs. cheyne, here are the sign out sheets for annie, are they good enough for you?" "yes" "oh, can i go to the velocity training today, instead of annie?' (big long pause) "....................yea, i guess so, if you're back in time for sign outs" "okay, i will be" but wait to see what happens in broadcast.
1. Broadcast Journalism- We were filming the news, sara messes up as usual (no offense hoppy) and then scott comes back there and says "emily, y'all can't go to velocity" i was thinking what the crap? she told me i could. Mrs. cheyne comes in when i'm talking to scott about it, and she said "you committed to annie before you did velocity" in my head i was thinking "wtf? velocity i signed up for in november, annie was in january" and then she said "what about the baseball people, they can't go either" and we were like "ben's the only one who's in baseball" "well if you all don't go, than they'll be forced to reschedule it" in my head again "well you know, they set up these dates with the velocity leaders who have to come in from columbus, and they schedule the times with the sixth grade teachers, plus there are a lot of people who are going besides us" "well you made a prior commentment to this" then sara said "if they don't go to this then they can't do classroom sessions". "uh huh.." cheyne walks off. MADE ME SO FREAKIN MAD!
2. Gym- Played volleyball okay let me say, that mandy dakota girl was making me furious. she wouldn't go up to the ball or hit the ball for that matter. Hayley and I had to play like the whole court. I think chapman thought i was being a ball hog, because i would run infront of mandy to make sure the ball got hit..oh well screw it.
3. Honors Science- Did two column notes, lol our class can always get her so sidetracked that we don't have to do our work. Blake and I were singing all the classic cartoon theme songs like "captain planet", "thundercats", "saluet your shorts (thats not really a cartoon, but oh well)", and "the jetsons" good times good times.
4. Ga Studies- Played a review game, mr. stone's rules aren't really fair, but scott and i won anyway. We have a test tomorrow, but that chapter is easy anyway.
5. Language Arts- Had a spelling quiz. Made a 100. It was easy. All of malmgren's tests/quizzes are easy. Then went to the library during pleasure reading.
6. Geometry- Blah, hate that class.
During the day, i gained enough courage to go aganist cheyne's commands and went to velocity. It felt GREAT! lol, i'm staring to really despise cheyne. Grrr. We called "the slave revolt" because we're all mrs. cheyne's slaves and we went against her! yesss. lol anyway, tomorrow i have classroom sessions and annie..fun fun well the sessions anyway.