GuYs ArE oVeR-RaTeD aNd I tHiNk I hAtE iT!!!

Nov 03, 2004 18:21

Congradulations Bush!!! YAY!!! :) i'm so happy he won!!! to all you people who doubted him.. whats up now!?!?!  Bitch boy Kerry rather withdraw instead of looking like a loooooser!! haha... maybe better luck next elections!!

i wish i knew what to do.. or if i was so sure about if it was right or not....

[ x ] Spell your first name backwards- egiap
[ x ] The story behind your user name- hmm there really isnt one
[ x ] Are you a lesbian- haha never
[ x ] Where do you live- Orange Park, Florida in a house with my mommy daddy and brother back in fox chase!!
[ x ] Wallet-  yea my dad should be giving me money to put in it soooon cuz i'm all out... but its a roxy one that matches one of my purses
[ x ] Hairbrush- got alot of them.. best ones my pink one tho :)
[ x ] Toothbrush- its a battery opperated one... works good!!
[ x ] Jewelry worn daily- my cross necklace.. some sort of earings and sometimes bracelets of some sort
[ x ] Pillow covers- white and blue
[ x ] Blanket- denim
[ x ] Underwear- hmm i got bunches of them..
[ x ] CD in stereo right now- rascal flatts
[ x ] Tattoos- nope.. i think i want one tho
[ x ] Piercings- my ears and my belly botton
[ x ] What you are wearing now- a shirt with my white skirt
[ x ] Hair- all thrown up
[ x ] Makeup- whats left from schoop and taking a nap

WHO or WHAT (was/is/are)
[ x ] In my mouth- nothing right now... lol
[ x ] In my head- so many different thoughts
[ x ] Wishing- i knew the answer to certain things
[ x ] After this- try to attepmt to do my homework.. or just take a shower
[ x ] Talking to- no one
[ x ] Eating- just ate actually
[ x ] People you wish you could see right now- hmm my mommy she wont be home for another few hours tho
[ x ] Is next to you- ummm stuff thats in my room
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month- thanksgiving break!!
[ x ] The last thing you ate- dinner with my daddy!!
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of- frogs
[ x ] Do you like candles- yup
[ x ] Do you like hot wax- nah not really
[ x ] Do you like incense- ummm...
[ x ] Do you believe in love - sure do
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates- yes
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight- possibly
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven- yup
[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness- unfortunitly but you wont ever forget
[ x ] Do you believe in God- of course
[ x ] Who is your worst enemy- wow i have a few suprisingly....
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be- not to sure
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up- all night i think
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks- haha actually i think i can.. i'm not to good at it tho
[ x ] What are some of your favorite candy- hmm starburst
[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better- certain people

-- Name: Paige Catherine Stock
-- Birth date: May 9th
-- Birthplace: in good ole J-ville, Florida
-- Current Location: OP whoop whoop
-- Eye Color: Green!!
-- Hair Color: brown and blonde i guess
-- Righty or Lefty: righty
-- Zodiac Sign: tuarus

-- Your heritage: Italian from my daddy and irish and german from my mommy and then american of course
-- The shoes you wore today: my black reef flip flops
-- Your weakness?: guys
-- Your perfect pizza: x-large with cheese and pepperoni from like dominoes or pizza hut!!
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: getting past the high school drama and excelling to get into a university

-- Your most overused phrase on aim: yea... and lol
-- Your thoughts first waking up: on school days i wake up and think i wish i didnt have too....
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: teeth and smile the way they dress, thier hair and their eyes
--Your best physical feature: hmm wow i guess that i'm not fat umm lol i dont know
-- Your bedtime: school days i try to fall asleep before 11:30 then weekends is whenever i fall asleep
-- Your greatest accomplishment: i actually dont know
-- Your most missed memory: to many... :-/

-- Pepsi or coke: pepsi duh
-- McDonald's or Burger King: yummmy McDonalds
-- Single or group dates: i think i'm more of the group kinda girl
-- Adidas or Nike: both
-- Lipton or Nestea: lipton
-- Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino.. hmm starbucks
-- Boxers or briefs: boxers baby

QUESTIONS [do you]
-- Smoke: nah
-- Cuss: sometimes to much
-- Sing well: haha nope but i still do
-- Take a shower everyday: always
-- Do you think you've been in love: nah
-- Want to go to college: yup
-- Like school: no not at all actually
-- Want to get married: yes i do
-- Believe in yourself:  i think so
-- Get motion sickness: haha yes sometimes
-- Think you're attractive: eh.. yea i guess
-- Think you're a health freak: haha no way
-- Get along with your parents: yes very well!! and i wouldnt have it any other way
-- Like thunderstorms: noooooo
-- Play an instrument: i wish

IN THE PAST MONTH [did/have you]
-- Drank alcohol: haha yea
-- Smoke(d): umm not sure when the last time was but possibly
-- Done a drug: nope!!!
-- Have Sex: noooooo
-- Made Out: umm dont remember when it was
-- Go on a date: yup!! :)
-- Go to the mall?: yup
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: haha nah
-- Eaten Sushi: nah
-- Been on stage: nope
-- Been dumped: nope
-- Gone skating: nah
-- Made homemade cookies: umm yea i think so
-- Been in love: haha noooooooo
-- Gone skinny dipping: not in the past month
-- Dyed your hair: umm i think it was probably alittle longer then a month ago
-- Stolen anything: umm i think so...

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: haha yea
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: me never.... haha well ok ok maybe
-- Been caught "doing something":  Suposebly
-- Been called a tease: haha yea
-- Gotten beaten up: not but any girls but by boys yes
-- Shoplifted: hmm yea....
-- If so, did you get caught: .....nope hopefully never will

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