Sep 25, 2011 22:57
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Upon request, I will post a random line or two from any of these you choose. Assuming that the file adds up to a full line, that is.
Feel free to request as many times as you wish, and it's okay to ask for the same file more than once.
(Cherry picking the best, because guys, I have hundreds. Some are poems.)
1. Stardarkhistory
2. Annie Majesty
3. Children of God
4. Oslo
5. Things You Should Know About Westford
6. Death We Are
7. Secret of the Sphinx
8. nagacreationmyth
9. electricity
10. Inaugeration
11. Beltane
12. Zaia and the Magpie
13. Hawk-Eyed
14. petgirl/petgirl_weres
15. The Unicorn Defense