but the battle wages on....

Nov 28, 2006 20:14

Once again basketball takes over my life, and it is only the second day.  This is going to be a long season.  I barely have time for homework, yet I fin myself on LJ more than ever now.  This is frickin crazy...  But the good news I got a 100 on a polyatomic quiz in chem.

I know I have had two posts already about christmas cards, but this is the last on.  So far I have addresses from:









Once again last call!!  (comments are screened)

I also haven't gotten around to look at people's wishlists.  If you want to leave the link here, I will try to get something from it, if not you will still get a little something in the card.

1.  Eminem to come out with a new cd...  soon
2.  A new cell phone / texts from you guys (774-278-0337)
3.  Click, Billy Madison and Bulletproof staring Adam Sandler (I am starting a collection)
4.  HP 3 and 4 on DVD (*gasp* I know, but I never got around to it)
5.  VM season 1 and 2 on DVD
6.  Fandom icons: VM, HP, Supernatural(!!!), Lost, eminem, and anything else really.  Just some new icons
7.  Books by Jodi Picoult (except Second Glance, My Sister's Keeper, Vanishing Act and Picture Perfect)  I LOVE HER!!
8.  A 2007 calendar (eminem, VM, one of those nifty day by day ones)
9.  Go to Universal with my brother, and for my brother to do really well this year'
10.  To find out what a certain boy thinks of me....

VM Tonight!!  it better be amazing, and LoVe better still be LoVe by the end of the episode!

christmas cards, school, wishlist, sports: basketball, vm

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