Sport sport sport sport sport sport SPOOOORRRRT

Aug 18, 2008 01:07

 I *love* the Olympics!!

Went on a road trip with Tasha on Weds to Norfolk to see Jonny. Had a great time going to weird social clubs in West Winch, pubs in Kings Lynn and to the beach where I swam in the sea and Tash and Jonny put rocks in my bag.... Stayed until Fri arvo before driving home eating craisins and smoking a rolly cigarette that had been in Tasha's purse since the iron age, great fun.

Did mainly bog all yester in the day but stayed up in the wee hours with Dad watching the Women's marathon live.

Today went to the yard with Mum and rode Skittles. Jumped with Julie in the outdoor with some impromptu encouragement off Helen (and after being inspired by the Olympic Showjumping of course)  Skits was ace and I wasnt too bad either...

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