Aug 11, 2006 20:32
You said Willow should be boss.
...and then you made her this little plaque, that said "Boss of Us," you put little sparkles on it.
It would have to be that summer, the one between Buffy, when somehow I inherited Buffy's mantle of leadership. She was gone, and it felt like most of Giles had left with her. And let me say this, about that mantle? It is not a pretty shawl like the ones Joyce used to wear. Or a scarf. Or any other word people apply to bits of fabric.
A mantle is just that -- just like the one that sits over a fireplace.
It is hard, and it sits not-so-nicely on your shoulders. Your arms are always extended. Pushing at some, pulling at others. You are stiff, and sore, and most days a little overcooked. If you are lucky the wood is sturdy, and is enough between you and the fire to keep from being burned.
I am privileged enough to say that I have seen many people, and many friends, wear that hard, stiff mantle of leadership well over the years. But none of them did it in any kind of comfort. Least of all me.