- The Celestine Prophecy
- Ishamael
- Life of Pi
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
They are 4 books I started reading long ago, and then stopped after the first few chapters, due to my irritating distractability. I feel discouraged with reading, and think it would be enjoyable (but more importantly, motivational) to read these books at the same time as a friend or 3 or 5. I'd like to have a set amount of chapters to read every so often and meet once (during the time we're in the middle of the book) and then again when we're done. Discussing them could be really fun. I feel very openly dorky today. Anyway...I don't know if anyone will be interested in this, but if you are then leave me a message or email me at
commail.g@gmail.com p.s. If you ever send me chain letters or anything remotely forwarded to that account, I might just hunt you down and kill you. Either that, or I'll tickle you for a timed 10 minutes at the most inappropriate time you could imagine. Please respect that.