Scotland: Day 12: Edinburgh
Today we went to Edinburgh. We got up fairly early and drove to Penecuik, from which we took the number 37 bus.
On the way there, someone collapsed on the bus, so they moved everyone to the number 7 bus while they called an ambulance. When we got there, we walked up the Royal Mile towards Edinburgh Castle, and noticed that there were police officers closing off the side streets. Apparently today was the last time that the
Royal Scots Brigade were ever going to march (they're being uncorporated within a larger brigade) and they were marching to Edinburgh Castle. We stopped and watched them and the horses and bagpipes and flags were quite impressive.
After that we got in the queue for
Edinburgh Castle and went inside. We watched them fire off a cannon at 1pm (they only do it once a day) and then got lunch at the cafe. After that we explored the rest of the castle, including
the Great Hall, the Chapel, the Vaults, and a lot of
great views. While we were there, I twisted my ankle yet again, undoing any of the healing that happened since I twisted it hiking last week. I hobbled around for the rest of the day. After that, we took the bus home and now I am here. Later tonight, I am going to watch J.K. Rowling's broadcast from Edinburgh Castle and then go to bed as soon as possible so I can get up early to get the new
Harry Potter book!