May 04, 2007 16:50
I hate my life.
I have this ridiculous cold. my head feels like my brain has been liquidated. as such every hole in my face (my nose throat ears and eyes) have various types of goo coming out of them. and everytime i sneeze (cause i have hayfever as well!!!) the whole world shaes and i have to sit with my eyes closed for about half an hour.
I don't have time for this. Thurday and Friday are my busiest days. I've missed 4 biology lessons 3 chemistry lessons 4 physics lessons and 2 english lessons. Physics and chemistry we haven't finished the silabus yet!! oh god i'm gonna fail every thing and its all the fault of my brain being in the wrong state. AND i left my folders at school on wednesday cause i thought it was just the sniffles so i'd be in again on thursday. sadly the virus reproduced like a rabbit overnight and infected every cell so i haven't been ill and cause i don't even have my folders i can revise properly. Half of the exam papers i need to do are in those foldes!! and its a bank holiday weekend so i won't have my folders for another 3 days!! THATS A WOKRING WEEK OF NOT REVISING PROPERLY!!! i can't cope. bleugh.
and i really wanted to go see nanny this weekend but she's all vulnerable and i don't want to infect her.
On a happier note i voted!! dragged myself out of the house and used my political voice!! It would have been more exciting had i not sneezed goo on my ballet. but ah well, it still counts right XD
neurgh ... i'm gonna go die, see you all soon.