Mar 03, 2009 15:51
I'm so pissed off at work. for all the times that I bend over for them and flex for them. Ross just sent me the new spring schedule with a note saying "I have attached the Spring Schedule as it stands today. We have tried to give everyone as many of the hours that they requested as possible. Please take the time to review the entire schedule and make sure that you have the hours that you wanted and that you are still able to commit to those hours. Please let either myself or Laurie know if you need to make any changes."
they gave me none of the hours I asked for. I love my job but the more and more I work there the more and more I'm disgusted with it.
I'd go find a new job but I'm pretty much scared as shit to go and try anything else. I've been a lifeguard for almost 8 years. When I'm teaching lessons I love it. everything thing that seems wrong in my life goes away. All the pain in my body subsides for a little while. But seeing the look on a kid's face when their coordination finally kicks in an the fully understand the dynamics of what I'm trying to teach them. I love the freedom I get from not having to request the hours I want off, I just have to cover my shift.
they've given me the job back twice when I've left for surgeries. I just wish they would give me a little more. something along the lines of health insurance. I feel I deserve that. or at least a little raise so I could buy them myself. How do you expect to staff a facility and not take care of the employees that work for it. the only way to get health care at my job is to basically have a union job. in the whole aquatics department there are only 24 of those positions. it's fucking ridiculous.
I just don't know how to handle it anymore.