Aug 27, 2005 22:19
had my little birthday thing last thursday- we had it early so gwen could be there. it was really fun, everyone came (with an exception to lauren, but she couldnt get off work) and everyone got along. it was nice to just see everyone together since we didnt really spend alot of time together during the summer-- cant wait for senior year!
went to maryland yesterday to drop gwen off for college. we spent the night and this afternoon we left. i was a wuss and cried because im going to really miss her. plus, it means i have to deal with my parents all alone-which is already causing drama. i just hope she finds whats shes looking for because i sure as hell havent.
i went to see a plastic surgeon on thursday for my ear. dr. danyo? idk, hes the guy who pierced my belly button. he said that if it doesnt go away by monday i have to get surgery on it, which entails removing the piece of cartilage and stitching it from both sides. its an outpatient thing, meaning id just be numbed and sit there- but ive already told him its not happening while im awake. that, and im not getting and iv so i cant be put to sleep (i dont like hands.. and it can be put where they draw blood, but i dont like that either), and feet are out of the option too because i dont like feet. buttt it probably wont happen at all because its going away =)
as of now im being yelled at for not having my college applications done by last thursday (my moms "deadline") but i dont really care all that much. i dont really care about anything as of now anymore. kinda upset with someone but its probably me being dramatic, just would have meant alot to me but i guess i can get everything that i want
my birthday's thursday =) and il finally be the "normal age" pllusss, lindsay comes back to work on wednesday so i dont have to work anymore =)
wow, that was depressing to read.