
Nov 01, 2004 16:01

HAPPY FIVE MONTHS for me and my love, nip !!!!!
i duno where i'd be without you <3
i love you to death


on another note on saturday hung out with mhilly and erica and got scared and lost going to hollie's and after that just back to downey but by the end of the night we all ended up at some party in hawthorne hahah man that was so funny we only knew a few people there and the rest were older people all dressed up for halloween and then yesterday i was with marion for a little while which was good and then after that i got to spend the day with nip which was really great we were at his house for awhile and then to del taco then to stevens which was cool, saw alot of people and then home kinda early where i fell asleep fast. well things are good but then not. i wish things were better with some of my friends, anet especially.. we seem to be drifting which i hate because i love her so damn much and i dont want to lose her. but hey i can't explain some peoples actions so i duno. i wish i had some good pictures to post but i dont and i havent really made a post like this for awhile but yeah im writing too much already so no one will read all this. bye now
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