Sep 02, 2004 20:16
wow okay so i'm a little bit sad right wait i'm almost depressed. let me tell you about a little story called allison and andy. before allison and andy started going out it was great. andy called her and hugged her and kissed her and talked to her alot. so they started going out and it changed---alot. its not to cool when your boyfriend has never called you. oh wait he called me one time but i made him. i'm pretty sure that doesnt count. so whatever i'm over that i know guys dont like to talk on the phone i'm not a idiot but seriously. you owe me a phone call....or 10. now lets move on to talking to me in person. today i walked up to him and gave him a hug and he didnt even hug me back. wow. i didnt know i was that ugly. so you cant talk to me in person. i mean majority of the time you stand like 6 feet away and are like "hey"...or you just hit me. apparently thats affectionate...not. and whenever your around me you just roll your eyes and dont talk and look at me like a fucking retard and you think you dont do it but you really do. ask someone about it. hahahah alright now just about the easiest thing to do in the whole world is IM somebody. but i guess its not that easy to you andy because you never do it. i mean you dont talk to me in person, you dont call me, and you cant even IM me...for the love of fuck thats pathetic. i mean andy if you dont like me then just tell me and whatever ill get over it eventually but i'm so tired of being dragged around like a idiot and i'm so tired of everyone telling me how i should dump you because of how bad you treat me. i just want it to be like it was before you were going out and you liked me. and i'm not writing this here bc i want everyone to know how bad it is or because i want you to be embarrassed even though you probably dont care... i'm writing this here bc this is the last way i can think of to try to make you understand whats wrong and why we're always fighting. i seriously dont know what else to do. i still like you...i just want it to be how it used to be.