Oct 10, 2006 18:41
It's rainy today. I'm curled up with a comforter and a couple kitties watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon with Fran, and in an hour or so we'll meet Banks for pizza and then head to Yes Shame (the high-school version of No Shame) and later No Shame itself, seeing as this is No Shame's 20th-anniversary celebration week (if you were wondering, this equals le yay.) For the moment, life could be a lot worse.
That's how my life seems to go lately, actually- moment to moment. I honestly have no idea if I'm doing well or not, because I can't seem to hold on to one state of being for the course of more than a couple hours. When it's bad, I think everything's shit and I'm completely screwing up my life, but when it's good, I feel like everything's going to be okay and I'm headed in some sort of rightish direction. And this is very very good. I just haven't figured out yet what makes that feeling show up, and what will make it stay.
Lately my days are made up mostly of working at Ben Franklin (soon to be less so, I hope- I'm going to see if I can switch to part-time once my boss gets back from Chicago), and hanging out with Fran, Kyle, Merit, and occasionally Banks. I can't believe he's leaving this weekend. For California. For good. Jesus. I'm'na miss my bruvvah, gorramit. I'm'na miss him lots. Le sigh.
Anyway, I better be off to eatin' pizza. This concludes the latest installment of the ever-fascinating drama that is BETSY'S LIFE.